Hello, I’m Rita Skeeter.
'I write for the daily prophet. But, of course, you know that, don’t you? It’s you we don’t know. You’re the juicy news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick? Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my ravid readers. So, who’s feeling up to sharing…'
Ah, yarnvista, newly appointed headmistress of the HPKCHC. Smashing.
Now you’ve been headmistress for almost a month now, how’s it going?
It’s been busy!! There’s always a lot to do behind the scenes. I’m so lucky to have such a great Staff and I appreciate them so much.
Any behind the scenes disasters my readers should know about? There was a rumour about Fwoopers in the staffroom and jinxed cupcakes in Hufflepuff? Any comment?
How did you hear… Uh, I mean, no! No troubles to speak of. Nobody likes butterscotch cupcakes, right?
Do you think you’re doing a good job? Big shoes to follow in NNS footsteps?
I hope I am! I’m doing my very best. Thrilled to still be working with NNS, she’s one of my very favorite people.
Why Hufflepuff? I mean, what do you like so much about it? Any comment on Hufflepuff Quidditch tactics?
I love my ‘Puffs! I’ve been a Hufflepuff since my Firstie days and I have no plans to leave. I like that our House is low pressure and low maintenance, someone is always around to offer a muffin to cheer you up or cheer you on with, we have great people to talk to, fun activities, it suits me. I love that each House is so unique so everyone can find a place that really fits them.
Our Quidditch tactics are, of course, closely guarded. You understand, don’t you?
You’re quite well known for your weaving ability? How did you get so good? Rumour has it you studied under the great Francessco De Revaew himself! (For our readers, De Reveaw is considered legendary in the Wizarding Weaving Circles.)
Thank you! I am still quite a novice, no where near De Revaew’s abilities! When I endeavor to learn a new skill I read everything I can get my hands on about it, and I try not to let fear of failure to get in my way. I figure that there is always going to be a learning curve, might as well hop on and see what happens!
(An example of yarnvista's De Revaew like skills.)
Any advice to the first years, they have often been known to be enthusiastic?
There is so much going on in the Cup that it’s easy to feel pulled in a million different directions. Remember that you only have to do one class a month and the rest is gravy! Or frosting, if you don’t like gravy for some reason.
Any words of wisdom to the house cup as a whole?
Make something that you are proud of and revel in it! Every new project is a new opportunity.
As far as this reporter can see, it seems as though the House Cup is in good hands...for now.
This is Rita Skeeter signing off!
Loved the article! Thanks for a fun read and a chance to get to know the fab Yarnvista better.
Thank you for your great advice. It is easy to get over committed in all the fun. And I like both gravy and frosting... but not together.
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