Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get those OWL Proposal in! And some NEWT Updates!

Happy Thursday Everyone! This is your reminder that the month ends tomorrow, so all classes and OWL proposals must be in by midnight PST tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 30th). Also I still have no Hufflepuff's with OWLs to follow. So if you are a 'Puff and wouldn't mind being featured (I swear it will be easy) please send me a PM on Rav!
Since it's almost the end of the month I thought I'd check back in on the NEWT students that we took a look at the first week of the month! Here's who I've got (that told me I was welcome to follow their progress) and everyone who did agree, I am really going to send you all a PM with a quick question or two, RL has just been nuts! Without further ado, some NEWT 50% pictures
Miss GazeboGal's Foxy Projects:
I'm loving all the foxes! They all look lovely.
Miss Mauri's Lovely Work:
Every time I see her work I want to make everything she does! It's all awesome.
Miss Cindiknits with work in my favorite colors:
I can't wait to see how that shawl turns out (and I might need that pattern for the mitts).
And last up this evening, Miss djmeurer and her wonderful progress:

The sweater is adorable, and everyone should head on over to the NEWT thread to check out all the rest of the 50% progress that's been turned in! Everyone is doing a fabulous job!

Have a great last day of the month everyone!

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