Note: you can find the image here.
But let's get to the good part-First OWL and First Homework Assignment.
Firstie Homework Assignment: I turned it in yesterday, and awaiting for approval. Since I'm a first year Slytherin, I decided to go with Potions. I had thought I would be going with the Care of Magical Creatures with the Hitchhiker Shawl (If you really want a brainless pattern... this would be a great shawl for you! It's worth the payment for the shawl!) So back to Potions-I mean this isn't a review post, but a first year post (haha).. but I wipped up a small baby hat since it has decreases for the crown towards the end. It turned out pretty cute-and couldn't help but post a photo.
Firstie OWL Proposal: Well.. not to stress anybody out-OWL proposals must be turned in by September 30th (editors, or rockinsticks... please notify me if this is incorrect.) With traveling-I went ahead and got the yarn.. at Hobby Lobby yesterday for my OWL. But wait-let me take the time traveling machine back in time for just one moment to the Spring 2011 term when I had played as a NQFY. I tried to attempt my first OWL, but needless to say I failed... I was trying for the Arthimancy OWL with multiples. I thought I would do 25 baby hats... but I moved and the baby hats got put into storage.
With Fall 2011 Term finally arrives, and I get sorted-I'm itching to do an OWL that would really get me motivated. So I started thinking about Astronomy OWL, then I switched to History of Magic OWL-thinking I'd knit three items for three characters (my deepest apologies to the person who approved of the HoM OWL in this area!) Thus, I find it stressful when I have to either finish small projects like that (mostly shawls and scarves), or anything related to do with small projects. With that being said, I love large projects, large circular shawls (thanks to the Evenstar shawl that's in the making) and I finally choose to go with the Astronomy OWL-Option #1. My OWL proposal can be found on post #898 (and page 36) on the OWL thread. For the Astronomy OWL, I'm doing the Pi Shawl by Wendy D. Johnson-and so far it's turning out great! You can find the pattern here.
Here is where you come in..
How is your first year homework assignment coming along or have you already turned it in? Are you going to try to attempt an OWL (don't feel bad if you fail... you can always turn it in Detention... again Rockinsticks, let me know if this is correct!)
Have a great week and see you next Friday!
Good luck on your OWL! I'm a firstie and I'm attempting a Transfiguration OWL of spinning and dying up enough for an adult garment. I've also already turned in 2 projects and have another one almost done and one more planned. I'm working on my OWL but I'm already a bit behind my self imposed deadline...hoping to catch up this weekend. Hope your travels are safe!
a Gryffindor.
thank you! I hope to get my OWL approved soon, haha. : )
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