Sunday, May 6, 2012

Umbridge Inspects Introduction....


Students of the House Cup.

As I'm sure you are aware by now, I will be conducting various Ministry Approved checks and inspections of your Professors. These fall under my jurisdiction under Educational Decree no.74.
 'The Ministry appointed official shall inspect professors at Hogwarts whom they feel require closer observation.'

As such, each week I shall be posting my findings and evaluation as to the suitability of classes being offered throughout the House Cup.

I shall be evaluating both the teaching standards and the individual student work produced in the class. If I decide that the quality is not up to scratch, both the perpetrating Professor and Student shall suffer ahem the consequences.

Inspections and Evaluations will begin next week, where I just know we are going to work well together for the betterment of the House Cup, and we will surely become great friends.

Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. 

In the coming weeks, I will have order...

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