Friday, May 4, 2012

Felix Felicis Friday: May 2012 Edition

The last Friday of each month is Felix Felicis Friday.  On these fortuitous days, I will post a question.  Leave an answer in the comments and you may be selected to win a prize!

Here is the Felix Felicis question for May:
Professor Sprout is well known throughout the wizarding world for her legendary prowess at cultivating and growing strange, and sometimes even dangerous plants. What is lesser known about her, is that she actually discovered an entire species of ‘Knitting plants’! If you could pick one species of plant known to muggle botanists to magically perform muggle tasks, which plant would you pick and what would it do?

Leave your answer in the comments along with your Ravelry ID by the end of May and you may just win the prize!


guenevol said...

I would have a walking Venus fly trap that would eat household pests for me. I am terrified of roaches and they're plentiful in this area of the country!


raederle of Ravenclaw said...

I think I'd love for an herb plant to do all the cooking for me, perhaps the basil plant or may cilantro. I enjoy both of those herbs, though in different dishes.

Ktrion said...

An artichoke plant that could launch spikey purple balls would be just the thing for the front yard garden (and security)

Thependragonseye said...

We in Hufflepuff House all agree that house cleaning takes far too much time away from important things like knitting and crocheting. So, I believe we need a plant that attracts dust and dirt, removing the need to dust and vacuum.

~Kaypendragon of Hufflepuff House

Krystalline of Slytherin said...

My choice would be for dandelions to heal papercuts. Those darn things are everywhere, so we should get something good out of them! Hm... wonder if I can dye yarn with dandys...

janalee said...

i would suggest the lovely (and very hard to kill) philodendron plant be modified to filter dust out of the air. i hate dusting. i would even be willing to water my phil more often...

Unknown said...

SarahTheEntwife of Ravenclaw here. I would design dishwashing water lilies. Now leaving the dishes in the sink forever is useful! Simply keep a healthy population of water lilies growing in the basin and they will happily clean your dishes and eat the food bits.

CatsMousehold - Gryffindor Firstie said...

I would design a House Plant. Literally a plant, that was a house. It would have natural ventilation, natural plumbing (plant nutrients), natural heating (solar) and natural cooling (leaf shade). The air would always be pure and aromatic with resins and floral scent and detritus such as dust would also be absorbed as nutrients. Pests would likewise be trapped in sap and absorbed for food and in exchange for letting us shape their insides to suit our needs, we would provide protection for the House Plants from disease and other threats. The House Plants would also be a source of food once flowers bloomed in to everything-fruits! The perfectly balanced fruit that could be made into anything sweet or savoury, eaten raw, cooked, dried and ground! I think Professor Sprout and I would become grand friends!