Monday, March 5, 2012

Advanced Studies Update

It's that time again - another Advanced Studies Update!

Just a few days ago marked the deadline for earning points for 75% on NEWTs and 50% on OWLs.

Congratulations to all those who made it to these milestones!  An especially grand congratulations to the NEWT students!  We've already seen hopesclan, mauri and Autumnleaf77 at 75%, but today we're adding a few more to their ranks of awesomeness!

First, SFCorgi, adding this gorgeous cabled sweater to her already amazing work.

NaturallyKnitty is next!

And MightyGoodYarn shows her mighty good work:

Cindiknits has also reached 75%

Here's Alexist's 75%!

Jajigirl has made some great progress

LNS!  With her huge afghan!

Greenheron has achieved 75% with flying colors!

And last, but certainly not least, EvilMichelle!

Congratulations to all our advanced studies students for reaching your milestones!

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