Saturday, September 3, 2011

Firstie with"Friday" Post!

Welcome to the "Friday with Firsties!" I am Anna aka Annalovesheep-and a Slytherin first year for the introductions. I did play as a NQFY last term (Spring 2011)-and you are involved even as a NQFY! I'm thrilled to be blogging for the House Cup as a first year! When I got sorted into Slytherin, I was a bit excited (and still am!) plus I was anxious to get sorted as well. I was sitting on my bed late at night when the sorting hat sung, and got an earborned. I hope to highlight first year's turn in homework, first year's houses, and first year's OWL proposals this term!

Sorry about the late turn in post! It will be on time next Friday!

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