Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday Staff Interview

Welcome to Tuesday's Staff Interview. Today we talk with Seakame who has encouraged us all to lean from the ghosts of Hogwarts this month.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself outside the House Cup.

A: I currently live in San Francisco, with my hubby. No kids or pets right now. (Not drinking the House Cup water ;) ) We like to have little adventures and explore the Bay area when time permits. He is working on a project out of state, which involves lots of long distance commuting. I'll have lots of knitting/crocheting time for the next few months. I have been surprised at how quickly all things yarn have taken over my life, but I love it.

Q: Why History of Magic?

A: I was TA for HoM last term and it was so much fun working with Alexist and Naturallyknitty. When I heard there were going to be professor openings, I thought it would be exciting to collaborate with Alexist. I've also had the opportunity to really stretch my mind thinking of prompts. I love being able to give back to our awesome group.

Q: What is your favorite part of being a professor? What is your least favorite part?

A: I love love love seeing everyone's projects. There is so much skill and creativity in the cup. My least favorite part when there are misunderstandings about the prompt or realizing it needs a bit of clarification. I want everyone to have a good time and be enthusiastic about HoM (I try not to channel Professor Binns).

Q: If you could have one spell, potion or magical object that worked in real life what would it be?

A: I love to travel and I want to see as much of the world as possible. The ability to apparate or disapparate would be so handy.

Note: The photo is of myself, my husband and friend riding a gondola to the Tian Tan Buddha statue in Hong Kong. We had so much fun and the views were amazing.

Big thank you to Seakame for her interview and a foil star for being the fastest respondent to the questions this term. Tune in next Tuesday for a charming chat with Mightygoodyarn.

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