Thursday, September 3, 2009

You tell those spiders, Foxy!

Dear Foxy,
I don’t know what to do, the cauldron boiled over from my Arachnea spell and spilled all over the book I was using to study Geminio. Now the basement is flooded with spiders! Little ones, big ones, the kind with hairy legs! We’ve had to barricade the door! Help!
Imelda Cauldron

::Foxy will be right over with appetite::


Cattiekins said...

lovies Foxy, he can come eat spiders at my dorm room any time

J-Mi said...

I smoosh your love button...

*looks around for love button*

ThingsTreasured said...

So much LOVE! We constantly have spiders invading because of living in 'wheretheheckareyou' Florida. When the spider appetite flairs come on over! I shall cover the flu powder!

oh wait... first I need a flu...