Monday, August 25, 2008

The Coutdown to Start of Term Begins!

Goodmorning Teachers and Students!

As you know the start of term is September 1st and I am a bundle of nerves! Instead of blogging about sorting everyone into their houses, I should be doing it! The class curriculums are coming out nicely and there are a lot of little extras as well. I am very excited for our little House Cup!

As competition starts we will be seeing more posts here with Pictures. I plan on blogging about all the fun we are having. I suck at blogging so if you see me on Ravelry queueing up the place, kick me and send me to the blog!

With Much Love and Enduring Affection,

Headmistress Onica


lostarts said...

I hate to ask this question, especially since I haven't volunteered to help.

I don't live near a yarn shop, and don't have a car, so the only way I can usually get yarn is by ordering it over the internet, and that usually takes about a week, sometimes more.

I need some guidance on what I should be making so I can order something ahead of time and be ready when it's time to start.

I would be willing to help if I had some sort of idea what I would need to do to help.

I think what I need is a clear statement of what "teachers" are required to do, and how the whole thing is going to be set up in general, and so forth.

Everybody is being so polite, and there's no structure.

Onica said...

Hey Jo- I will address this in a new post! Thanks for your concern! (And a lot of the structure you don't see as it's behind the scene);)

Onica said...

Hey Jo- I will address this in a new post! Thanks for your concern! (And a lot of the structure you don't see as it's behind the scene);)

Jane said...

First day of class is tomorrow! I can't wait! My magical creatures are getting wrestless!