Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wildcard Wednesday!

To alleviate some of the stress of May "finals week" (as it were) at HPKCHC, here's just some plain ol' interesting-to-know information about your fellow House Cuppers that has nothing to do with classes or assignments or grades.

Did you know...

...the most popular names* at HPKCHC Hogwarts are as follows?

Ann/Anne/Anna -- 10 students
Jen/Jenn/Jennie/Jennifer -- 10 students
Sara/Sarah -- 9 students
Kate/Katie/Katy/Catie -- 7 students
Jess/Jessica -- 6 students
Julie/Julia -- 5 students
Laura -- 5 students
Rachel -- 5 students
Cindi/Cindy -- 4 students
Karen -- 4 students
Kristen/Kristin -- 4 students
Maria/Marie -- 4 students
Michelle -- 4 students

Did you know...

...there are 3 boys playing this term? And they're ALL Ravenclaws!

Did you know...

35 House Cuppers' names (not their RavIDs, their actual names*) start with A
start with B
start with C
start with D
16 start with E
3 start with F
start with H
35 start with J
33 start with K
start with L
start with M
5 start with N
start with P
13 start with R
34 start with S
19 start with T
4 start with V
starts with X
1 starts with Z

Did you know...

34 House Cuppers have the word "knit" in their RavID (7 are Slytherins, 8 Ravenclaws, 8 Gryffindors and 11 Hufflepuffs).

4 have the word "yarn" in their RavID (2 Slytherins and 2 Ravenclaws).

2 have the word "hook" in their RavID (1 Ravenclaw and 1 Gryffindor).

4 have the word "stitch" in their RavID (2 Gryffindors and 2 Hufflepuffs).

2 have the word "crochet" in their RavID (1 Ravenclaw and 1 Hufflepuff).

* (18 Slytherin -- no name given; 12 Hufflepuff -- no name given; 18 Ravenclaw -- no name given; 10 Gryffindor -- no name given)

1 comment:

Katie said...

And you can add another k to that extensive list of katie's and k, I suspect I won't be included in those statistics as technically I'm not playing!