Monday, May 25, 2009

Stand tall, House Cuppers!

This has been the busiest month the HPKCHC has ever seen and, on this day of reflection here in the United States, I thought it would be a good time to remind those who are struggling or losing spirit just how much you've accomplished in a little over three weeks.

  • About 360 individuals from all over the world came together in April, many of whom didn't know one another from Adam, and became partners and teammates and friends (some will remain so for life).

  • In three weeks, you all have posted in your House Common Rooms and in the Great Hall a total of 10, 541 times. That's over 10,500 comments of encouragement, pride, love, disappointment, fear, concern, and reassurance. Yes, absolutely, it's hard to keep up with, but there's something infinitely comforting in it as well.

  • In three weeks, you all have completed (fully, 100%, not halfway but TOTALLY completed) 579 projects -- not including the Quidditch wristwarmers and baby items. From a woman who can hardly complete one item in a month, I find this to be a stunning accomplishment.

  • I cannot count the number of times I've seen people "cross House lines" to help one another out, whether it be to offer congratulations, to provide encouragement or to hold someone's hand and walk them step-by-step through a new process. There were concerns with the HPKCHC growing more than double this term about losing that sort of kindness and camaraderie, but clearly we had nothing to worry about.

In the end, while this is a competition and one eye is always on the points, keep in mind that 10 years from now you won't remember who won or lost, you won't remember the socks you could have made for that one last class, you won't care that five more points could have pushed you over the top -- you'll remember the friends you made and the things you learned and, we hope, how fun the journey was.

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